Service Information
Frequently Asked Questions about Aloe Care.
- How do I add Caregivers to my Care Circle? How do they activate their accounts?
- What is the difference in Caregiver Roles?
- How do I delete my account
- How do I setup the Mobile Companion
- Phone calls from Aloe Care Health
- What is the Aloe Care Response Team?
- Elevate Check-ins to Emergencies
- Emergency Wake Words
- Do Aloe Care devices work with multiple users?
- How many people can I add to the Care Circle?
- What is an Elevated Check-In Call? How do I elevate a Check-in Call?
- What if we want more in-home protection down the line?
- What does the Learning Mode do?
- How do I request help on the Smart Hub in an Emergency?
- What is the Essentials package?
- The older adult receiving Aloe Care is not tech savvy. Will they actually use the Essentials package?
- Can my Aloe Care Health system receive software updates?
- Do the Aloe Care Health devices have echo cancellation?
- How does a Check-in call into the Aloe Care Smart Hub work?
- Can I secure the Aloe Care Smart Hub to a table or a wall? How about my Fall Sensor or Motion Sensors?
- Will Aloe Care recognize the voices of people who speak English as a second-language?
- How do I know if my iOS or Android App is up to date?
- How do Aloe Care Health products work?
- Can Aloe Care devices withstand the elements: extreme heat, cold, rain, and snow?
- Does an Aloe Care device require power cords to work?